Monday, May 10, 2010

Facebook on Forex

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ok,,, it might be decision from learning after Lehman brothers shock. but where does this money come from??? EURO is miracle to exist itself, because working culture is different each ohter countres, some like German works and earns a lot, other like some country pr...efer works slowly and earn less, but it makes balance to be equal currency, that's euro, I still think it is miracle to exist, if i were German, I do think I try to get out euro. Anyway, it is not free to asist, money is paid, and where does/will this money come from? Now EUR is up today for short term. EURO worth will be less for a long term view.See more

EU Crafts $962 Billion Show of Force to Halt Crisis @ Forex Factory

European policy makers unveiled an unprecedented loan package worth nearly $1 trillion and a program of bond purchases as they spearheaded a global drive to stop a sovereign-debt crisis that...

about an hour ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (3)Hide feedback (3) · Share.Choppz Deathlotd, Carlos Fernando Cortes and 余潮泰 like this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex news is old, important thing is to read next from news, not to watch and understand news, traders are not economist. Anyway I cannot see next, USDJPY is up, but I cannot read next anymore, so I rest and go to short trip, have a nice week. ;)

7 hours ago Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (4)Hide feedback (4)Carlos Fernando Cortes and Brian Carpenter like this..Brian Carpenter Ok, Yu. Enjoy.7 hours ago · .Yu Forex yeah, thank you. :) right now USDJPY tries to make full vol, that's like pattern 2 after 50% rule that I posted about on saturday, but I canot see next anymore, it means I better not trade :) 4 hours ago · .Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex btw, on Friday morning, I bought Nikkei 10259 when it was down -400, and it was right to buy on the dip, now it is 10499 +134. Most of traders did not buy when I bought on friday, because news was only negative stuffs about Greece worry or DOW was down to less than 10000 on Thurs, to be continue

7 hours ago Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (4)Hide feedback (4)Michael Tdj and Beata Piktel like this..Beata Piktel great call - congrats7 hours ago · .Yu Forex thank you. :) yeah, I just called for 50% rule that I posted about on sat. it was 50% rules about Dow too after 2009. :) but I cannot see next after 50% rules, then It means I should not trade and go to trip with money I earn from thurs and fri last week. :) 4 hours ago · .Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex 91.50 by 50% rules, there could be two patterns next, one is to up from 50% rules and then drop 100% more, it means at 84.50, lowest USDJPY last year... if USDJPY get down trend for long term. And second pattern is up to 50% more, making full vol. I cannot see anymore because I am lazy trader, let's go back to scalping. :)

Yesterday at 05:04 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (3)Hide feedback (3)Solomon Akinode, 余潮泰 and Alhafiz Aay like this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex greatest week on the market. :)

USDJPY is just simple, 50% rules again. 91.50 between 95 and 88. :)

so that was right to predict fixed on the middle, 91.50 level.

too much vol, then let's see simply.

have a nice weekend :)

Saturday at 05:18 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (2)Hide feedback (2)Celine Klein and 余潮泰 like this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex 1. today it is up from 88 to 93, 500 pips, middle is 90.50.

2. for three days it has been drop from 95 to 88, middle is 91.50.

to think about one and two, it can be range between 90.50 and 91.50?

now it has been droped, then if it is stop at 90.50, this theory probablry works. and pivot is also 91.145. it could be range. who knows? :)

Friday at 23:36 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex that's why I bought Nikkei at the beginning of today no matter it is -400 down. let's see on Monaday. Good luck.

Friday at 23:26 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex answer is NO. Worry is temparary issue. and if worry is big, it makes panic, and market moves because of panic, and its panic is made by worry, and worry is like temparary file in your computer, if files are full, you are gonna delete, market can be fix for overbought and overshort, and if it is temporary one, it can be fix soon.

Friday at 23:26 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex Overbought and Overshort for currency, gold, oil, blah, blah, blah, news is still negative on TV and Radio, but do you think greek worry is such a big trigger to mess up market? worry is worry, people worry, but most of them forgot what they worried next year, do you remember what you worried last year? to be continue

Friday at 23:26 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex and if it is down, it would be 90.35 (92.70 - 235pips) ? but it is too big to have vol. trading as USDJPY. Now stratedy is to stop long scalping during cloud and wait for index non farm rate and umemployment rate. then let's see what's going on, it is not late to trade after make sure trend from index

Friday at 14:49 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (4)Hide feedback (4)Mike Hill and 余潮泰 like this..Mike Hill It was a shit storm here on the floor yesterday, just getting my ducks in a row for the unemployment numbers. Good luck today!Friday at 20:36 · .Yu Forex yeah, I watched CNBC at 3:45 am in tokyo yesterday. and I saw the moment Dow hit 10000, I heard some guy said it can be possible, lol, yes, he is right... btw, "million and billion" mistake can be cancel in United State!?

result is 209K but 9.9%, hahaha, USDJPY was drop 1 dolla 95 to 88 yen, middle is 91.50, it is too much vol as USDJPY, it is ... See moreextreme for USDJPY, it could be fixed around 91.50 level I guess, but I do not trade today, i will trade if trend is up on Monday, that's what I guess. let's see other fundamental news and stop loss orders might let price down as bear. :)

hank you for comment, you too, Good luck today!

Friday at 23:09 · .Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex USDJPY 95.00 (wed) → 88.00 (vol. 700pips)(thursday) → +350pips (700/2) 91.5 (88.00 +350pips)(Friday), then I thought it would up 92.00 level, and actually it was up to 92.70 (+470pips), and now it is 92.00 level on the could of ichimoku. to be continue

Friday at 14:49 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (2)Hide feedback (2)Kenzie Hiroki and Mike Hill like this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex that's scary, I have been right all the way since I made short postion at 93.83 yesterday,,, 93.83 to 88.88 = 495 pips, 89.00 to 89.89 (99pips) I do not trade this one, then long to 92.00(I do not trade thsi one too), now is 92.50 level, if I trade all, it could be 800 pips,,, well, I can say anything if I think like t...hat. anyway important thing is to be carefull drawdown after big benefit.See more

Friday at 13:25 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (1)Hide feedback (1)Mike Hill likes this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex it hits 92.00! if i have long position 89.00, it is 200 pips more, then 700pips in 12hrs... that's why I realy think I am lazy trader, lol. anyway today's stratedy is scalping 7 to 10 pips with BB(bolinger band) wallk with long order.

Friday at 11:49 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (4)Hide feedback (4)Josh Wilson and Evnt Trader like this..James Jay Harges good job yu!!Friday at 11:51 · .Yu Forex thanks , james :) Friday at 13:22 · .Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex I slept 4hr, and I woke up 9 am in tokyo, USDJPY is 91.50! everything was right what I said five hr ago,,, but I did not have long postion at 89.00, and I slept! anyway it was big day yesterday. today's stratedy is to make long postion at scalping.

Friday at 09:56 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (1)Hide feedback (1)Sayaka Takeda likes this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex then, I was right, USDJPY hit 90.00, I could get total 600 pips if i make long like I said 45mins ago!!! >_< tomorrow if index will be good, it will be up to 92? who knows? I am just right all the way today.

Friday at 04:47 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (6)Hide feedback (6)Anthony Lim and 余潮泰 like this...'Mk Chin Great! Take action... Friday at 13:13 · .Yu Forex thank you ~ :)Friday at 13:21 · .Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex I should have long like I said ten mins ago. 89.00 long 89.99 TC, but whatever, enough to earn today!!! money games rule. good night. :)

Friday at 04:10 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex great day for hedge fund :)

Friday at 04:07 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex today is the day to start dropping to second bottom!?

Friday at 04:03 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....

RemoveYu Forex Black Thursday 2!!! USDJPY hit my TC.88.88. I dropped 88.00!!! + 495pips, now I wonder to buy or not, but I better sleep with exciting,

Friday at 04:00 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View feedback (1)Hide feedback (1)余潮泰 likes this..Write a comment....

RemoveYu Forex Black Thursday!!! USDJPY 93.83 short, 75pips trail. TC is 88.88. I do not think it will drop to 88, who knows? Conguratuate to short at pivot 94.60!!!

Friday at 03:33 Only friends · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment....