Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Strong Yen

it is better to say Weakness of USD, Yen is strong now,
but in Japan people have negative image for strong Yen.
So public opinion do not prefer Strong Yen.

but,,, let's image if we are government, Japan does not have resources in their country, so they need to import, now is strong yen, it is great chance to buy resources from abroad. why don't they get resources now, I think they already start to buy resources, nowadays what they want in these years,, they do want Rear Metal. It is chance to buy resources they really wanted. 

As we know, Japan is country to have bad image for strong yen, but we know people have no sense of economic, that's why most of people try to be employees in Japan no matter it is kinda worst working environment in advance countries of the world  So they do not even have particular reason to hate strong yen, just they have experienced strong yen time every time when economic is depression. Most of people believe Japan has bauble in 80's because employees work so hard to sacrifice life time, but sorry that's not reason. Anyway whatever reason,people hate strong yen.

So government comments negative stuffs and never admire strong yen for public opinion, people believe export industry like car industry damages and affect normal people's life,  but all 120 million population people belong to Car company? and Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc, have experience strong yen, it was USD/JPY=300 in 70's. it was USD/JPY = 180 during good year end of 80's to early 90's. and now it is USD/JPY = 80. Major company never learn about foreign exchange for 30 years? they do learn and prepare. Anyway negative comment and news about strong yen are so extreme, As the result, JPY/USD is back from 100 to 85 in half year.

Although I think weakness of USD is main reason, we don't need to take government comment and news, we should see YEN tectonically on chat or See Yen compared with USD. During fake rise from comment and news, it is time to buy rear metal, there is no material that Nikkei is up, only Nikkei is up because of NY Dow, China recovers from depression first in the world, if you like to buy Japan, let's see Chinese market first.